
MySQL LIMIT Optimization

I have this scenario where MySQL LIMIT syntax is very slow for table having 30 million records. Solution Instead of using MySQL LIMIT you may use WHERE and BETWEEN which works pretty fast.

Proper Indexing of Tables in MySQL

In general you should only add indexes to match the queries your application uses, any extra will waste resources. In an application with very small tables, indexes will not make much difference but as soon as your tables are larger than your buffer sizes the indexes will start to speed things up dramatically.

Hudson Installation Procedures

Overview Hudson is a Continuous Integration (CI) server which polls a version control repository and runs an automated build soon after a change is detected in the version control repository. Hudson organizes CI jobs into projects . Each project has its own build script and its build results are stored within Hudson's work area.


mod_pagespeed is an open-source Apache module that automatically optimizes web pages and resources on them. It does this by rewriting the resources using filters that implement web performance best practices. Webmasters and web developers can use mod_pagespeed to improve the performance of their web pages when serving content with the Apache HTTP Server. mod_pagespeed includes several filter that optimize JavaScript, HTML and CSS stylesheets. It also includes filters for optimizing JPEG and PNG images. The filters are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who set up mod_pagespeed in addition to configuring proper caching and compression on their Apache distribution should expect to see an improvement in the loading time of the pages on their websites.

NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta Download

The new Beta build of NetBeans IDE 7.0 introduces language support for JDK7, enhanced integration with the Oracle WebLogic server, support for Oracle Database, GlassFish 3.1, Maven 3, HTML5 editing, and more. The NetBeans team is pleased to announce the availability of NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta.

Testing Platform