
Showing posts from April, 2010

Remote Deployment with Ant and Rsync

Remote Deployment with Ant and Rsync - this tutorial will teach us how to deploy projects on a remote server. This is very suitable especially for those who implements Continuous Integration where you will deploy projects upon every successful build or after passing all through unit tests, code analysis, and load testing.

How to Install phpUnderControl

Setting Up and Configuring phpUnderControl - this tutorial will teach us how to install phpUnderControl. phpUnderControl is an addon application for the continuous integration tool CruiseControl, which integrates some of the best PHP development tools. This project aims to make your first steps with CruiseControl and PHP as easy as possible. Therefore phpUnderControl comes with a command line tool that performs all modifications to an existing CruiseControl installation.

How to Install CruiseControl

Setting Up and Configuring CruiseControl - learn how to install cruisecontrol. This page is primarily focused on installing and configuring CruiseControl on Linux which includes - Procedures on Running Your Very First CruiseControl Server - Implementation of phpUnderControl - Adding New Projects on CruiseControl - Integration of Some of the Best PHP Development Tools.

How to Fetch YSlow Beacon Result and Save as HTML

How to Fetch YSlow Beacon Result and Save as HTML Introduction YSlow analyzes web page performance by examining all the components on the page, including components dynamically created by using `JavaScript`. It measures the page's performance and offers suggestions for improvement. YSlow is integrated into the Firebug web development tool for Firefox. On this tutorial, we will learn how to fetch YSlow beacon result and save it as html.

Graphical Plot of Xdebug Cachegrind

Graphical Plot of Xdebug Cachegrind - Update for How to Create Graphical View of Xdebug's Cachegrind Output . This a command line approach of profiling a single php script using Xdebug. Running Xdebug profiler from CLI is simply by executing your php script along with xdebug directives using `-d` option, this will then create a cachegrind file which we're going to convert into a visual plot using xdebugtoolkit and Graphviz.

Setting Up and Configuring Xdebug

Setting up and Configuring Xdebug Install Xdebug There are three ways you can install Xdebug. - Installing precompiled modules. - Install through PEAR/PECL. - Compiling from source.

Continuous Integration

Frontend Unit Testing using PHPUnit and Selenium RC

How to Implement Frontend Unit Testing using PHPUnit and Selenium RC - on this tutorial we'll learn how to implement UnitTesting, UnitTesting which is known to be applicable only on server side scripts. On this article we'll tackle ways of using PHPUnit and Selenium RC so as to test the output of our sites on any browsers.

How to Create Graphical View of Xdebug's Cachegrind Output

This tutorial will teach us how to create graph out of xdebug's cachegrind file. The concept is very simple, Convert cachegrind into dot then convert dot into graph PNG format. First is create the cachegrind file using xdebug, then parse the cachegrind with dot to generate dot file, then convert dot file into PNG format. The advantage of this is that you can easily view your scripts performance.