
Showing posts from November, 2010

NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta Download

The new Beta build of NetBeans IDE 7.0 introduces language support for JDK7, enhanced integration with the Oracle WebLogic server, support for Oracle Database, GlassFish 3.1, Maven 3, HTML5 editing, and more. The NetBeans team is pleased to announce the availability of NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta.

Testing Platform

Site Performance Enhancement

Enhance your site performance with these common practices derived from the web. See what are applicable to you and gain from the benefits. Use mod_pagespeed Use mod_expires Use mod_deflate Avoid .htaccess PHP ob_gzhandler Use CSS Sprites Combine and Minify Compress Components

Combine and Minify CSS and Javascript Files Using Minify

Combine, Minify, Cache CSS and Javascript Files This tutorial will teach us how to combine and minify CSS and javascript files using [ Minify] thus will help your site regain high performance result and pass the tests of Yahoo!'s YSLow, Google's Page Speed, or AOL's WebPagetest.

PHPUnit Bootstrap with PHP Autoload

I have a scenario wherein after upgrading PHPUnit 3.4.11 to version 3.5.3, an existing bootstrap file for phpunit suddenly encountered an error complaining about class was not found. It seems PHP __autoload is not working.